Walkathon/Fall Festival Online Donation Page

To find out more about the Walkathon/Fall Festival, go to the WAT/FF page.

Get your grandparents, cousins, long-lost relatives, co-workers, friends, and neighbors to help our school! You can send them to this page and they can sponsor your child in this year’s Walkathon. Please inform your donors of your child’s name and teacher to ensure their donation gets credited to the proper account.

Don’t be shy. This is for a good cause and all donations are tax deductible.

Please save a copy of the Paypal e-mail for your tax records.

Please use this form to pay for pledges, sponsorship, company matching or general donation.

Schallenberger’s Walkathon 2016
Student’s Name and Grade
Teacher’s Name

Please use this form to pay for Game tickets.

2016 Fall Festival -10/14/16
Student’s Name and Grade
Teacher’s Name