Walkathon & Fall Festival

The 2016 Walkathon and Fall Festival is Friday, October 14th!

Come join us for fun and fundraising! You can donate online here.


A long-standing annual tradition that unites and ignites the school at the start of the school year, the Fall Festival and Walk-a-Thon is a student favorite.

Walk-a-Thon:  Students and classrooms compete to collect the most pledges from friends, family and neighbors.  Prizes include collectable Walk-a-thon T-shirts that can be work as a uniform top, technology prizes and classroom parties (e.g., pizza, MadScience).  On the day of the Walk-a-Thon, the entire school walks together, enjoying live DJ music and friendly competition.

Fall Festival:  Later that evening, the festival comes to Schallenberger.  Game tickets give children the chance play their at the numerous game booths sponsored by teachers and volunteers to earn prize tickets that can be traded later for prizes.   The festival game tickets can also be spent on activity booths such as pumpkin painting, crazy hair, face painting, bake sale or a cake walk.  There is always a hearty BBQ dinner, live DJ and dancing, a silent auction and lots of great conversation and connections.

This event is the most important fundraising event of the year for SHSA, funding over half of the annual budget.

Parents, family and older sibling volunteers are needed

This event would not be possible without the help of volunteers. Help will be needed for working booths, event set up and event tear down.  Middle school students are great candidates for helping out and can get volunteer hour credits.   It is easy to sign up:

1) click the following link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot:  http://vols.pt/GcsmRd
2) review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like
3) Sign up!
 It’s easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot

Do you own a business? Know any local businesses that love giving back? Have money burning in your pocket that would be so much better put to use on our wonderful Schallenberger kids? GREAT! Become a Walk-A-Thon SPONSOR! Contact VP Fundraising at shsafundraising@gmail.com for more information.