Plan where you shop for the things you need and a portion painlessly comes back to support Schallenberger!
- Amazon Smile. Amazon shoppers, go to and link your Amazon account to Schallenberger Home and School Association and 0.5% of your purchases automatically comes back to Schallenberger. Invite family and friends to do this too and they will also be painlessly donating to support your child’s experience at Schallenberger. More information about the program is here on
- Box Tops. Did you know that with a pair of scissors and a few minutes each week, you could help Schallenberger Elementary earn money for our students? The Box Tops for Education program is simple. If you buy a product with the Box Tops for Education symbol on it, cut it out. The Box Tops symbols are on hundreds of products, including Betty Crocker baking mixes, General Mills products (including Cheerios), Kleenex, Huggies diapers, Pillsbury products, Hefty and Ziploc bags, and many, many more. When you collect a baggie full, bring them in to the front office. We submit the box tops twice a year and receive $0.10 per top. It can really add up!
1. Clip and save Box Tops
2. Turn in to your classroom teacher
3. Schallenberger receives funds to support the school!There are coupons available for some products, a win-win! Check them out here: http://www.boxtops4education.
com/coupons Click here for more information on the Box Tops for Education program.
- Sports Basement. At the Pruneyard location on Bascom, if you mention Schallenberger Elementary: 1) you will get a 10% discount, and 2) Sports Basement will donate 5% to the school!