This is the official Schallenberger school and SHSA calendar that is maintained jointly by the school secretary and SHSA VP of Communications. Not sure what is event is upcoming, check here first! If you’d like to request an upcoming school event is noted on the calendar, send an email to shsacommunications at gmail dot com.
Ways to stay informed about SHSA news and events:
- Like the Schallenberger Elementary Facebook page. This is our primary way to share news, events reminders and parent resources.
- Register to receive email updates from SHSA.
- Read the monthly Owl Talk Newsletter. This is emailed monthly to all Schallenberger families by the school secretary as well as sent home with every child.
- Subscribe to the Schallenberger school calendar.
Technology Tip! To stay updated, you can subscribe to this calendar so that it automatically updates to your calendar on your desktop or mobile phone. Here are links to instructions for popular calendars on how to subscribe to Google calendar.
- Google Calendar: Click on the Google Calendar button in the lower right corner. It will open your Google Calendar and a dialog box asking you if you want to add this calendar. Say yes. Microsoft Outlook: File > Account Settings > Account Settings > Internet Calendars Tab > New > Paste this address: Add.
- Apple iCal: Follow these instructions
- When all else fails, search online for “how do I subscribe to a public Google calendar on my [your calendar name here].”